Namespace: UIManager

PhaserComps. UIManager

Allows to lock all ui, except for provided lock ids. For this, you must set lockId property to UIComponentPrototype instances you want to enable, and then switch theirs availability by UIManager's lock and unlock methods

For example, locked UIButton will still interact to mouse events, but will not emit click event.

This can be useful in game tutorials.


<static> check(id)

called from component to check, if it's allowed to emit UI event.

Name Type Description
id String

<static> lock(id)

Makes only components with provided ids list (or one id string) to emit UI events

Note, that method rewrites current enabled ids list every call.

Name Type Description
id String | Array.<String>

component's lock id, or Array of lock ids to be only enabled

<static> unlock()

Releases all components