Code examples

Window Example

```javascript import PhaserComps from 'phaser-ui-comps';

class MyWindow extends PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIComponentPrototype { constructor() { super(); // we dont need to pass parent and key to super, // if this class expected to be the root component, // and ComponentClip will be applied to it

	// set textfield with key "title" text
	setText("title", "Window Title");
	// create some button and listen to its click
	let button = new PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIButton(
		"Click Me"
	button.on(PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIButton.EVENT_CLICK, this.onButtonClick, this);
	// create some radio buttons
	let radio1 = new PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIButtonRadio(
		"Radio 1 label",
		1 // here can be any value you want to get, when radio is selected
	let radio2 = new PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIButtonRadio(
		"Radio 2 label",
	let radio3 = new PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIButtonRadio(
    	"Radio 3 label",
    	radio1, // all other buttons must append to first button, if they are in same group
	// set first radio selected = true;
	// you don't need to listen all radios in the group, just one of them.
	// each of them will emit selection event of other buttons in the group too
	radio1.on(PhaserComps.UIComponents.UIButtonRadio.EVENT_SELECT, this.onRadioSelect, this);

onButtonClick() {
	console.log("Button clicked");

onRadioSelect(value) {
	console.log("radio selected value:", value);
